Consortium national d’expertise en inclusion sociale

Répertoire général

Le répertoire général recense des articles scientifiques, notamment dans les champs de la déficience ou des incapacités intellectuelles ou encore dans le domaine du trouble du spectre de l’autisme. Il contient plus de 40 000 références bibliographiques, pour la période de 2009 à 2019. Les mots-clés s’inspirent de regroupements thématiques élaborés à la suite d’une analyse de tous les thèmes abordés par les articles recensés.

Cette banque de données est mise à jour au premier septembre de chaque année.


Classé dans
Indicateurs d’inclusion sociale
Habitudes de vie
G. Wright
Primary Carcinoma of the Liver excised by Operation
  • RésuméThe ontogeny of self-injurious behaviour exhibited by young children with developmental delays or disabilities is due to a complex interaction between neurobiological and environmental variables. In this manuscript, the literature on emerging self-injury
  • SourceProc R Soc Med 16(Surg Sect), 56–8
  • ISBN/ISSN0035-9157 (Print); 0035-9157 (Linking)
  • Mots-clésEnglish:: Developmental disorder; Intellectual deficiency; Human; Child; Mental health; Public health; Models; Stereotypy; Self injury; Early; Prevention; Mental retardation; developmental disabilities; early childhood; early intervention; prevention; sel
  • Classé dansIntervention psychosociale
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M. Peeters, L. Verhoeven, H. VanBalkom and J. DeMoor
A Specimen of Colon, showing Multiple Perforations resulting from Dysentery
  • RésuméBackground Children with cerebral palsy (CP) and accompanying disabilities are prone to reading difficulties. The aim of the present study was to examine the foundations of phonological awareness in pre-school children with CP in comparison with a normall
  • SourceProc R Soc Med 16(Surg Sect), 67–8
  • ISBN/ISSN0035-9157 (Print); 0035-9157 (Linking)
  • Mots-clésEnglish:: Intellectual deficiency; Language; Developmental disorder; Nervous system diseases; Central nervous system disease; Cerebral; disorder; Human; Child; Preschool age; Handicap; Speech articulation; Reading; Mental retardation; Metalinguistics; Pho
  • Classé dansLangage et communication
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L. E. Norbury
Case which was clinically one of Inoperable Carcinoma of the Rectum treated by Colostomy and Subequent Injections of Cuprase-Collosal Selenium and Collosal Cuprum for over Two Years, with Disappearance of the Growth
  • RésuméBackground Determining the aetiology of intellectual disability (ID) enables anticipation of specific comorbidity and can thus be beneficial. Blood sampling, however, is considered stressful for people with ID. Our aim was to evaluate the feasibility of a
  • SourceProc R Soc Med 16(Surg Sect), 67
  • ISBN/ISSN0035-9157 (Print); 0035-9157 (Linking)
  • Mots-clésEnglish:: Intellectual deficiency; Developmental disorder; Human; Chromosomal aberration; Abnormal chromosome; Adult; Handicap; Feasibility; Buccal smear; Chromosome duplication; Deletion; Medical; screening; Method; Etiology; Mental retardation; aetiolog
  • Classé dansNeurologie et génétique
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D. E. Cleveland
Diagrams for showing limitation of movements through joints, as used by the Board of Pensions Commissioners for Canada
  • RésuméTerminal deletions of the long arm of chromosome 7 are well known and are frequently associated with hypotelorism or holoprosencephaly due to the involvement of the SHH gene located in 7q36.3. These deletions are easily detectable with routine subtelomeri
  • SourceCan Med Assoc J 8(12), 1070–6
  • ISBN/ISSN0008-4409 (Print); 0008-4409 (Linking)
  • Mots-clésEnglish:: Developmental disorder; Intellectual deficiency; Kidney; disease; Malformation; Congenital disease; Urinary system disease; Arrhythmia; Conduction disorder; Heart disease; Heart block; Cardiovascular disease; Chromosomal aberration; Syndrome; An
  • Classé dansNeurologie et génétique
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T. H. Ames
The Prevention of War Neuroses
  • RésuméAutism spectrum disorders (ASD) comprise a class of neurodevelopmental disorders that can originate from a variety of genetic and environmental causes. To delineate autism's heterogeneity we have looked for biologically-based phenotypes found in consisten
  • SourceCan Med Assoc J 8(11), 1018–27
  • ISBN/ISSN0008-4409 (Print); 0008-4409 (Linking)
  • Mots-clésEnglish:: Nervous system diseases; Developmental disorder; Congenital; anomaly; Complexes; Screening; Medical screening; Malformation; Classification; Neurological disorder; Validation; Development; Autism; Dysmorphism; autism; dysmorphology; congenital a
  • Classé dansNeurologie et génétique
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F. Treves
Discussion on the Subsequent Course and Later History of Cases of Appendicitis after Operation
  • RésuméPeople with intellectual disabilities have a higher prevalence of health problems than the general public, and their health needs are often unrecognised and unmet.1 People with intellectual and other disabilities are also more likely to dev
  • SourceMed Chir Trans 88(7683), 429–610
  • ISBN/ISSN0959-5287 (Print); 0959-5287 (Linking)
  • Mots-clésEnglish:: Developmental disorder; Medicine; Mental retardation; Handicap; Public health; Intellectual deficiency; French:: Trouble du développement; Médecine; Arriération mentale; Handicap; Santé publique; Déficience intellectuelle; Spanish:: Trastor
  • Classé dansSanté physique
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L. Hill and J. J. Macleod
Caisson Illness and Diver's Palsy. An Experimental Study
  • RésuméCreatine transporter deficiency is an X-linked mental retardation disorder caused by mutations in the creatine transporter gene, SLC6A8. In a European Mental Retardation Consortium panel of 66 patients, we identified a male with mental retardation, caused
  • SourceJ Hyg (Lond) 3(4), 401–45
  • ISBN/ISSN0022-1724 (Print); 0022-1724 (Linking)
  • Mots-clésEnglish:: Developmental disorder; Intellectual deficiency; Neurology; Genetics; Sex linked character; X-Chromosome; Genetic disease; Creatine; Family environment; Family study; HPLC chromatography; Germ; line; Somatic cell; Detection; Nervous system disea
  • Classé dansNeurologie et génétique
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H. E. Durham
A Pipette for diluting Serum, etc
  • RésumémicroRNAs (miRNAs) are -21 nt transcripts capable of regulating the expression of many mRNAs and are abundant in the brain. miRNAs have a role in several complex diseases including cancer as well as some neurological diseases such as Tourette's syndrome a
  • SourceJ Hyg (Lond) 3(3), 380–1
  • ISBN/ISSN0022-1724 (Print); 0022-1724 (Linking)
  • Mots-clésEnglish:: Developmental disorder; Neurology; Genetics; Tissue; Postmortem; Gene silencing; Spectrum; Neurological disorder; Nervous; system diseases; Pervasive developmental disorder; Autism; Autism; spectrum disorder; miRNA· Postmortem tissue .Cerebel
  • Classé dansNeurologie et génétique
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J. Cropper
Note on the occurrence of Malarial Fever in Places usually free from Anopheles
  • RésuméA nonsense mutation (R419X) in the human Intr cereblon gene [mutation (mut) CRBN] causes a mild type of autosomal recessive nonsyndromal mental retardation (ARNSMR). CRBN, a cytosolic protein, regulates the assembly and neuronal surface expression of larg
  • SourceJ Hyg (Lond) 3(4), 515–6
  • ISBN/ISSN0022-1724 (Print); 0022-1724 (Linking)
  • Mots-clésEnglish:: Molecular biology; Developmental disorder; Intellectual; deficiency; Neurology; Genetics; Reverse transcription polymerase; chain reaction; Recessive character; Autosomal character; Genetic; disease; Human; Protein; Splicing; Subunit; Potassium
  • Classé dansNeurologie et génétique
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F. R. Bailey
A Preliminary Report upon the Examination by Nissl's Method of Four Gasserian Ganglia removed for Tic Douloureux
  • SourceJ Med Res 6(1), 47–52
  • ISBN/ISSN0097-3599 (Print); 0097-3599 (Linking)
  • Mots-clésEnglish:: Public health; Nervous system diseases; Central nervous; system disease; Cerebral disorder; Developmental disorder; Intellectual deficiency; Treatment; Psychotropic; Human; International; Social environment; Mental health; Epidemiology; Atypical
  • Classé dansCormorbidité et autres troubles mentaux
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P. Rump, T. Dijkhuizen, B. Sikkema-raddatz, H. H. Lemmink, Y. J. Vos, J. B. G. M. Verheij and C. M. A. VanRavenswaaij
Pay Hospitals and Cheap Doctors
  • RésuméWe reevaluated a unique family with two sibs who had a presumed autosomal recessively inherited syndrome characterized by mental retardation, microcephaly, short stature and absent phalanges. This family was originally described by Drayer et al. in 1977.
  • SourceBr Med J 2(1768), 1134
  • ISBN/ISSN0007-1447 (Print); 0007-1447 (Linking)
  • Mots-clésEnglish:: Diseases of the osteoarticular system; Disease of the hand; Chromosomal aberration; Nervous system diseases; Central nervous; system disease; Congenital disease; Cerebral disorder; Developmental; disorder; Intellectual deficiency; Upper limb; Fi
  • Classé dansNeurologie et génétique
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G. H. Savage
The Warnings of General Paralysis of the Insane
  • SourceBr Med J 1(1527), 777–80
  • ISBN/ISSN0007-1447 (Print); 0007-1447 (Linking)
  • Mots-clésEnglish:: Public health; Mood disorder; Developmental disorder; Intellectual deficiency; Human; International; Social environment; Mental health; Health system; Treatment; Health service; Use; Autism; Psychometrics; Nosology; Classification; Diagnosis; Cr
  • Classé dansCormorbidité et autres troubles mentaux
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L. Tait
Presidential Address on some pending Questions in Gynaecology
  • RésuméObjective: In light of developments in training and service provision, the aim of the present study was to compare two state-wide surveys, undertaken in 1994 and in 2004, of psychiatrists about their perceptions of their training and psychiatric treatment
  • SourceBr Med J 1(1360), 145–8
  • ISBN/ISSN0007-1447 (Print); 0007-1447 (Linking)
  • Mots-clésEnglish:: Health staff; Public health; Developmental disorder; Oceania; Human; Australia; Social environment; Occupational training; Health system; Psychiatrist; Attitude; Health service; Mental health; Opinion inquiry; Handicap; Intellectual deficiency;
  • Classé dansRésidence et institution et professionnels
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N. A. Langdon, E. G. Carr and J. S. Owen-deschryver
Clinical Memoranda
  • RésuméPrecursor behaviors are innocuous behaviors that reliably precede the occurrence of problem behavior. Intervention efforts applied to precursors might prevent the occurrence of severe problem behavior. We examined the relationship between precursor behavi
  • SourceBr Med J 2(1387), 238–9
  • ISBN/ISSN0007-1447 (Print); 0007-1447 (Linking)
  • Mots-clésEnglish:: Treatment; Developmental disorder; Human; Precursor; Behavior therapy; Functional communication; Autism; Behavioral; disorder; Functional analysis; autism; problem behavior; precursor; behavior; functional analysis; functional communication trai
  • Classé dansIntervention psychosociale
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34664 résultats

Consortium national d’expertise
en inclusion sociale

Le Consortium national d’expertise en inclusion sociale est un organisme francophone à but non lucratif canadien œuvrant dans le domaine de l’inclusion sociale auprès de populations vulnérables de notre société.
Partenaire privilégié en France